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Calculate and compare monthly costs for Third Party Processors like 2CheckOut, Affero, BTClick&Buy, CCAvenue, CCBill, CCNow, ClickBank, DigiBuy, DigitalCandle, eCommerceGlobal, ECS World, FastPay, iBill, iKobo, ImagineNation, InstaBill, InterBill, JensleyPAY, Jettis, Kagi, MembershipPlus, MerchantBoss, Moneybookers, MultiCards, MyPaySystems, NoChex, PartyKey, Pay-Line, Paymate, PayPal, PaySat, Process54, ProPay, Reg.Net, RegNow, RegSoft, setSystems, Share*It, StormPay, SWREG, TransactIndia, Transecute, V-Share, Verotel, VolPay, Yahoo! PayDirect and over a dozen representative merchant account providers including AMS, Cardservice International,,, Del West Netcom, ECS World, Electronic Transfer Inc., ePagos,  goEMerchant, Internet Marketing Center, Merchant Accounts Express,, MerchantAccounts4Less, PayQuake,  Perfect Presence, United Bank Card UBC, VolPay and others.





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Calculate and Compare the Monthly Costs of Merchant Accounts
and Third Party Processors  * Is PayPal the Best Alternative for You? See Various Alternatives for Different Requirements...

What's a Maculator ?

The Maculator is a Merchant Account Cost Comparison Calculator.  Depending on your monthly sales volume, you may be surprised to discover that PayPal may not be the lowest cost alternative for you!   In some cases, Moneybookers, or other providers may be lower. See latest changes in rates and services for PayPal and alternatives.   All recent rate updates are chronicled in the Processor News Updates page.

Because Third Party Credit Card Processors like PayPal and iBill vary their rates for different levels of sales volumes, you need a way to estimate your monthly processing costs for both current levels and expected increases. 

The MaculatorTM makes it easy for you to enter different sales volumes and calculate

the monthly costs for Third Party Processors whose rates are already loaded in the database.

Nearly every Third Party Processor son the web, more than 40 at last count, is already listed in this database.  More than 10 of these have a complex rate scheme of at least two tiers of rates or fees.  In addition, a selection of representative Merchant Account Providers is also listed. You can also enter the fees for any other merchant account offer and have the Maculator calculate and compare the monthly costs. 

Pre-loaded Provider Data

The Merchant Account Providers and 3rd Party Processors listed below can all be selected in the MaculatorTM Compare Rates drop-down lists for side-by-side comparison in either column "A" or "B".  

Use the drop-down list below to filter your selection to Merchant Accounts, 3rd Party Processors, Digital Only, Multi-Currencies, Multi-Languages, Multi-Countries, High Risk Content, Affiliate Opportunities and other choices including Free Setup, Annual, Monthly Fees and various Discount Rate brackets .  Use the Currency Converter for comparing international alternatives.

To start, select an appropriate filter and press the Maculate Me! link on any listed item to load the rates in the Maculator "A" column for the selected provider. This is a shortcut to the Maculator.

If you still can't decide after using the Maculator, the E-Commerce Profile may help to get you the best deal.  If you are already processing $30-50k+ monthly, contact us at b2bexec [AT] to see if we can get you a better deal?

 Maculator Pre-Loaded List

Providers Filtered for All Providers ** 0 Programs Selected! ** - MA Merchant Account Offer: Internet-MOTO Disc Rate: 2.35 Tiers: 1
Rate Floor: 2.35 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 0.30 Batch Fee: 0.35 Monthly Min: 25.00
Gateway Fee: 12.00 Statement Fee: 10.00 Annual Fee: 0.00 Setup Fee: 00.00 Payment Cycle: Daily
Languages: English Currencies: USD Cards: VIS MSC AMX DIN DSC JCB Digital Only: No Download Support: No
Merchant Countries: US Affiliate Opportunity: No Merchant Resellers: No High Risk Content: No Directory Marketing: No
Notes: With CDGcommerce, you get EVERYTHING under one roof - right from the source: new account approvals, deployment, merchant, customer and technical support are all provided directly to you * Services include FREE Merchant Portal Web Reporting - gain access to the most detailed journal-entry level Web transaction reporting system, FREE Fraud Assassin - benefit from the most comprehensive protection against fraudulent orders and high risk transactions, FREE Chargeback Defender - receive chargeback notifications via e-mail and defend against them via their unique pro-active rebuttal system
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Rate Floor: 2.39 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 0.25 Batch Fee: 0.30 Monthly Min: 25.00
Gateway Fee: 29.95 Statement Fee: 10.00 Annual Fee: 0.00 Setup Fee: 00.00 Payment Cycle: Daily
Languages: English Currencies: USD Cards: VIS MSC AMX DIN DSC JCB Digital Only: No Download Support: No
Merchant Countries: US Affiliate Opportunity: Yes Merchant Resellers: No High Risk Content: No Directory Marketing: No
Notes: provides internet gateway technology and full merchant account services to give you everything you need in one package for most merchants * offers an Internet e-commerce account for a 2.39% discount rate and $0.25 per transaction * The monthly service fee is $10 and the gateway monthly fee is $29.95 * No setup fees and you can also apply for your American Express account for no cost * You can usually save money by dealing directly with a gateway provider rather than a reseller
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Del West Easy Qualify - MA Merchant Account Offer: Internet Disc Rate: 2.55 Tiers: 1
Rate Floor: 2.55 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 0.30 Batch Fee: 0.30 Monthly Min: 25.00
Gateway Fee: 19.95 Statement Fee: 10.00 Annual Fee: 0.00 Setup Fee: 25.00 Payment Cycle: Daily
Languages: English Currencies: USD Cards: VIS MSC AMX DIN DSC JCB Digital Only: No Download Support: No
Merchant Countries: US Affiliate Opportunity: Yes Merchant Resellers: No High Risk Content: No Directory Marketing: No
Notes: If you like to pick and choose your options from a wide variety of programs and services, investigate the offerings of Del West Netcom * In addition to numerous technologies and tools, options for international merchants are also provided for reasonable rates * Del West Easy Qualify costs a little more but allows merchants with credit problems to qualify
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Del West Netcom - MA Merchant Account Offer: Internet Disc Rate: 2.21 Tiers: 1
Rate Floor: 2.21 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 0.30 Batch Fee: 0.00 Monthly Min: 15.00
Gateway Fee: 19.95 Statement Fee: 7.50 Annual Fee: 0.00 Setup Fee: 50.00 Payment Cycle: Daily
Languages: English Currencies: USD Cards: VIS MSC AMX DIN DSC JCB Digital Only: No Download Support: No
Merchant Countries: US Affiliate Opportunity: Yes Merchant Resellers: No High Risk Content: No Directory Marketing: No
Notes: If you like to pick and choose your options from a wide variety of programs and services, investigate the offerings of Del West Netcom * In addition to numerous technologies and tools, options for international merchants are also provided for reasonable rates
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ECS World - MA Merchant Account Offer: Dedicated Merchant Account Disc Rate: 12.00 Tiers: 1
Rate Floor: 3.00 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 0.50 Batch Fee: 0.25 Monthly Min: 99.00
Gateway Fee: 99.00 Statement Fee: 00.00 Annual Fee: 0.00 Setup Fee: 500.00 Payment Cycle: Weekly
Languages: Russian Chinese English Currencies: EUR USD GBP YEN HKD CAD + Cards: VIS MSC AMX DIN DSC JCB Switch Solo Maestro UK Debit Visa Delta Visa Electron Digital Only: No Download Support: No
Merchant Countries: US and Many Affiliate Opportunity: Yes Merchant Resellers: No High Risk Content: Yes Directory Marketing: Yes
Notes: ECS World has been facilitating both Internet Merchant Accounts and 3rd party processing for over 6 years * They have the knowledge, experience and Worldwide Banking partners in place to advise all Internet-based businesses (high risk too!) on the best real-time credit and debit card payment processing solution for their business * Fraud Protection includes efalcon, Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode * Merchant product lines include online pharmacies, online casinos, sportsbook, adult entertainment, MOTO, and more * Rates vary between 3%-12% depending on product line
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goEMerchant - MA Merchant Account Offer: Internet Disc Rate: 2.39 Tiers: 1
Rate Floor: 2.39 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 0.30 Batch Fee: 0.25 Monthly Min: 25.00
Gateway Fee: 19.95 Statement Fee: 15.00 Annual Fee: 29.95 Setup Fee: 00.00 Payment Cycle: Daily
Languages: English Currencies: USD Cards: VIS MSC AMX DIN DSC JCB Digital Only: No Download Support: No
Merchant Countries: US Affiliate Opportunity: Yes Merchant Resellers: No High Risk Content: No Directory Marketing: No
Notes: goEMerchant provides a complete set of e-commerce tools * For $59.95 a month GoEmerchant packages the Internet Store, Buy_Me Button and Cyber Circular which organizes a list of e-mail addresses from your customers and helps you keep them informed of promotional offerings
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Internet Marketing Center - MA Merchant Account Offer: Internet Disc Rate: 2.40 Tiers: 1
Rate Floor: 2.40 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 0.35 Batch Fee: 0.30 Monthly Min: 25.00
Gateway Fee: 10.00 Statement Fee: 10.00 Annual Fee: 0.00 Setup Fee: 00.00 Payment Cycle: Daily
Languages: English Currencies: USD Cards: VIS MSC AMX DIN DSC JCB Digital Only: No Download Support: No
Merchant Countries: US Affiliate Opportunity: Yes Merchant Resellers: No High Risk Content: No Directory Marketing: No
Notes: Internet Marketing Center provides a complete e-commerce solution called Total Merchant Services.  The package includes the TotalPay gateway backed by for only $397 * You may qualify for Fast-Track Auto-Approval with these criteria: Visa/MC Monthly Volume Less Than $10K, Average Ticket Less Than $300, Future Service Liability Less Than 30 Days, Acceptable Type Of Business
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Merchant Accounts Express - MA Merchant Account Offer: Internet - Mail Order Disc Rate: 2.28 Tiers: 1
Rate Floor: 2.28 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 0.25 Batch Fee: 0.30 Monthly Min: 25.00
Gateway Fee: 19.95 Statement Fee: 9.95 Annual Fee: 0.00 Setup Fee: 0.00 Payment Cycle: Daily
Languages: English Currencies: USD Cards: VIS MSC AMX DIN DSC JCB Digital Only: No Download Support: No
Merchant Countries: US Affiliate Opportunity: Yes Merchant Resellers: No High Risk Content: No Directory Marketing: No
Notes: Merchant Accounts Express can setup your business with a merchant account to accept all major credit cards, at the lowest possible cost * They offer only bank direct merchant accounts, saving their merchants thousands of dollars per year in credit card processing costs! * They even provide a 110% price guarantee to give you 30 days to find a lower price after you sign up!
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Affero 3rd Party Processor Offer: Beneficiary Donation Disc Rate: 6.00 Tiers: 1
Rate Floor: 6.00 Item Min Disc: 1.00 Tran Fee: 0.00 Batch Fee: 0.00 Monthly Min: 0.00
Gateway Fee: 0.00 Statement Fee: 0.00 Annual Fee: 0.00 Setup Fee: 00.00 Payment Cycle: Daily
Languages: English Currencies: USD Cards: VIS MSC ? Digital Only: No Download Support: No
Merchant Countries: US Affiliate Opportunity: No Merchant Resellers: No High Risk Content: No Directory Marketing: Yes
Notes: 1-tier rates of 6% with a $1.00 minimum * Affero accepts donations on behalf of beneficiaries that may include any good cause as well as non-profit organization * Free membership allows you to recommend a cause to which anyone can contribute * Affero also includes a forum for discussion on worthy causes
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CCAvenue Economy 3rd Party Processor Offer: Economy Scheme Disc Rate: 7.00 Tiers: 1
Rate Floor: 7.00 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 0.00 Batch Fee: 0.00 Monthly Min: 0.00
Gateway Fee: 0.00 Statement Fee: 0.00 Annual Fee: 60.00 Setup Fee: 200.00 Payment Cycle: Weekly
Languages: English Currencies: INR USD Cards: VIS MSC DSC JCB DIN Citibank eCard Digital Only: No Download Support: No
Merchant Countries: US and Many Affiliate Opportunity: No Merchant Resellers: No High Risk Content: No Directory Marketing: No
Notes: 1-tier rates, 3 plans with lower setup and annual fees for higher discount rate * CCAvenue™ is based in India * A 5% Rolling Deposit of the final payment amount will be maintained by CCAvenue™ for 180 days * Services include secure gateway, Visa and MasterCard authorization verification, merchant reporting system, virtual terminal interface, shopping cart interface and auction payment collection support * Use the Currency Converter to compare against other currencies or compare against Transecute, another India-based processor
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CCAvenue Popular 3rd Party Processor Offer: Popular Scheme Disc Rate: 5.50 Tiers: 1
Rate Floor: 5.50 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 0.40 Batch Fee: 0.00 Monthly Min: 0.00
Gateway Fee: 0.00 Statement Fee: 0.00 Annual Fee: 60.00 Setup Fee: 45.00 Payment Cycle: Weekly
Languages: English Currencies: INR USD Cards: VIS MSC DSC JCB DIN Citibank eCard Digital Only: No Download Support: No
Merchant Countries: US and Many Affiliate Opportunity: No Merchant Resellers: No High Risk Content: No Directory Marketing: No
Notes: 1-tier rates, 3 plans (this newest one) with lower setup and discount rate for new transaction fee of 0.40 USD * CCAvenue™ is based in India * A 5% Rolling Deposit of the final payment amount will be maintained by CCAvenue™ for 180 days * Services include secure gateway, Visa and MasterCard authorization verification, merchant reporting system, virtual terminal interface, shopping cart interface and auction payment collection support * Use the Currency Converter to compare against other currencies or compare against Transecute, another India-based processor
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CCAvenue Premium 3rd Party Processor Offer: Premium Scheme Disc Rate: 5.00 Tiers: 1
Rate Floor: 5.00 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 0.00 Batch Fee: 0.00 Monthly Min: 0.00
Gateway Fee: 0.00 Statement Fee: 0.00 Annual Fee: 120.00 Setup Fee: 600.00 Payment Cycle: Weekly
Languages: English Currencies: INR USD Cards: VIS MSC DSC JCB DIN Citibank eCard Digital Only: No Download Support: No
Merchant Countries: US and Many Affiliate Opportunity: No Merchant Resellers: No High Risk Content: No Directory Marketing: No
Notes: 1-tier rates, 3 plans with lower setup and annual fees for higher discount rate * CCAvenue™ is based in India * A 5% Rolling Deposit of the final payment amount will be maintained by CCAvenue™ for 180 days * Services include secure gateway, Visa and MasterCard authorization verification, merchant reporting system, virtual terminal interface, shopping cart interface and auction payment collection support * Use the Currency Converter to compare against other currencies or compare against Transecute, another India-based processor
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CCBill Hosted 3rd Party Processor Offer: CWIE Hosted Subscription Disc Rate: 13.50 Tiers: 4
Rate Floor: 11.50 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 0.00 Batch Fee: 0.00 Monthly Min: 0.00
Gateway Fee: 0.00 Statement Fee: 0.00 Annual Fee: 0.00 Setup Fee: 0.00 Payment Cycle: Weekly
Languages: English Currencies: USD Cards: VIS MSC DSC JCB Digital Only: Yes Download Support: No
Merchant Countries: US Affiliate Opportunity: No Merchant Resellers: Yes High Risk Content: Yes Directory Marketing: No
Notes: 4-tier rates 11.5% to 13.5% of total weekly sales for merchants hosted by Cavecreek Wholesale Internet Exchange (CWIE) * CCBill accepts many types of accounts including high risk content
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CCBill Unhosted 3rd Party Processor Offer: non-CWIE Hosted Subscription Disc Rate: 14.50 Tiers: 4
Rate Floor: 11.50 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 0.00 Batch Fee: 0.00 Monthly Min: 0.00
Gateway Fee: 0.00 Statement Fee: 0.00 Annual Fee: 0.00 Setup Fee: 0.00 Payment Cycle: Weekly
Languages: English Currencies: USD Cards: VIS MSC DSC JCB Digital Only: Yes Download Support: No
Merchant Countries: US Affiliate Opportunity: No Merchant Resellers: Yes High Risk Content: Yes Directory Marketing: No
Notes: 4-tier rates 11.5% to 14.5% of total weekly sales for merchants NOT hosted by Cavecreek Wholesale Internet Exchange (CWIE) * For unhosted accounts the high end goes to 14.5% for weekly sales volumes below $5,000
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CCNow International 3rd Party Processor Offer: International Rate Schedule Disc Rate: 0.00 Tiers: 2
Rate Floor: 11.00 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 0.00 Batch Fee: 0.00 Monthly Min: 0.00
Gateway Fee: 0.00 Statement Fee: 11.95 Annual Fee: 0.00 Setup Fee: 0.00 Payment Cycle: 15 Days
Languages: English Currencies: USD Cards: VIS MSC AMX DSC NOV Digital Only: No Download Support: No
Merchant Countries: US Affiliate Opportunity: No Merchant Resellers: No High Risk Content: No Directory Marketing: Yes
Notes: 2-tier rates 11% of total sales in excess of $100.00 * Monthly cost of $11.95 pays for top search engine promotion * CCNow International provides the marketing service of an Online Mall and major search engine registration as well as a streamlined purchase interface
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CCNow U.S. 3rd Party Processor Offer: U.S. Rate Schedule Disc Rate: 0.00 Tiers: 2
Rate Floor: 9.00 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 0.00 Batch Fee: 0.00 Monthly Min: 0.00
Gateway Fee: 0.00 Statement Fee: 9.95 Annual Fee: 0.00 Setup Fee: 0.00 Payment Cycle: 15 Days
Languages: English Currencies: USD Cards: VIS MSC AMX DSC NOV Digital Only: No Download Support: No
Merchant Countries: US Affiliate Opportunity: No Merchant Resellers: Yes High Risk Content: No Directory Marketing: Yes
Notes: 2-tier rates 9% of total sales in excess of $100.00 * Monthly cost of $9.95 pays for top search engine promotion * CCNow provides the marketing service of an Online Mall and major search engine registration as well as a streamlined purchase interface
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ClickBank 3rd Party Processor Offer: Vendor Disc Rate: 7.50 Tiers: 1
Rate Floor: 7.50 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 1.00 Batch Fee: 0.00 Monthly Min: 0.00
Gateway Fee: 0.00 Statement Fee: 0.00 Annual Fee: 0.00 Setup Fee: 49.95 Payment Cycle: 15 Days
Languages: English Currencies: USD Cards: VIS MSC AMX DSC EUR NOV Bravo Digital Only: Yes Download Support: Yes
Merchant Countries: US Affiliate Opportunity: Yes Merchant Resellers: Yes High Risk Content: No Directory Marketing: Yes
Notes: 1-tier rates * ClickBank is the online distribution center for over 10,000 digital products and services that are delivered entirely over the Internet itself (via web pages, files, or email)
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ECS World 3rd Party Processor Offer: Content Partner Disc Rate: 12.00 Tiers: 1
Rate Floor: 4.00 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 0.50 Batch Fee: 0.00 Monthly Min: 00.00
Gateway Fee: 49.00 Statement Fee: 00.00 Annual Fee: 0.00 Setup Fee: 500.00 Payment Cycle: Weekly
Languages: Russian Chinese English Currencies: EUR USD GBP YEN HKD CAD + Cards: VIS MSC AMX DIN DSC JCB Switch Solo Maestro UK Debit Visa Delta Visa Electron Digital Only: No Download Support: No
Merchant Countries: US and Many Affiliate Opportunity: Yes Merchant Resellers: No High Risk Content: Yes Directory Marketing: Yes
Notes: ECS World has been facilitating both Internet Merchant Accounts and 3rd party processing for over 6 years * They have the knowledge, experience and Worldwide Banking partners in place to advise all Internet-based businesses (high risk too!) on the best real-time credit and debit card payment processing solution for their business * Fraud Protection includes efalcon, Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode * Merchant product lines include online pharmacies, online casinos, sportsbook, adult entertainment, MOTO, and more * Rates vary between 4%-12% depending on product line
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InstaBill International 3rd Party Processor Offer: US Merchant Disc Rate: 4.50 Tiers: 1
Rate Floor: 4.50 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 0.50 Batch Fee: 0.00 Monthly Min: 0.00
Gateway Fee: 0.00 Statement Fee: 49.00 Annual Fee: 0.00 Setup Fee: 0.00 Payment Cycle: Bi-Monthly
Languages: English Currencies: EUR GBP CAD AUD YEN HKD USD Cards: VIS MSC AMX Digital Only: No Download Support: No
Merchant Countries: US and Many Affiliate Opportunity: No Merchant Resellers: No High Risk Content: Yes Directory Marketing: No
Notes: 1-tier rates of 4.50% for Non-US-based businesses with USD 5.00 minimum item price * InstaBill never charges more than 10% of the retail sales for a given month * Fees cover credit card processing costs, membership management software, shopping cart and merchant control panel * InstaBill accepts online casinos, adult content, travel sites and pharmceutical sites -- however there are contradictory statements on their website regarding acceptable content * InstaBill allows you to sell products or services to any Visa, MasterCard or American Express cardholder in the world * Merchants have sold to consumers in 143 countries * Accepted Merchant countries include Canada United-States Netherlands France Germany Pakistan Belgium United-Kingdom Russia India China Bahamas Brazil Israel Ecuador Greece South-Africa Cuba Hong-Kong Italy Denmark Australia New-Zealand Singapore Philippines Egypt Thailand Indonesia Oman Cyprus Peru Malaysia Malta Norway Sweden
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InstaBill US Merchant 3rd Party Processor Offer: US Merchant Disc Rate: 2.35 Tiers: 1
Rate Floor: 2.35 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 0.50 Batch Fee: 0.00 Monthly Min: 0.00
Gateway Fee: 0.00 Statement Fee: 49.00 Annual Fee: 0.00 Setup Fee: 0.00 Payment Cycle: Bi-Monthly
Languages: English Currencies: EUR GBP CAD AUD YEN HKD USD Cards: VIS MSC AMX Digital Only: No Download Support: No
Merchant Countries: US Affiliate Opportunity: No Merchant Resellers: No High Risk Content: Yes Directory Marketing: No
Notes: 1-tier rates of 2.35% for US-based businesses with USD 5.00 minimum item price * InstaBill never charges more than 10% of the retail sales for a given month * Fees cover credit card processing costs, membership management software, shopping cart and merchant control panel * InstaBill accepts online casinos, adult content, travel sites and pharmceutical sites -- however there are contradictory statements on their website regarding acceptable content * InstaBill allows you to sell products or services to any Visa, MasterCard or American Express cardholder in the world * Merchants have sold to consumers in 143 countries
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Kagi 3rd Party Processor Offer: Standard Disc Rate: 10.00 Tiers: 15
Rate Floor: 4.40 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 5.00 Batch Fee: 0.00 Monthly Min: 0.00
Gateway Fee: 0.00 Statement Fee: 0.00 Annual Fee: 0.00 Setup Fee: 0.00 Payment Cycle: Monthly
Languages: 12 Languages Currencies: All Major Currencies Cards: VIS MSC AMX DIN DSC JCB EUR CBL Digital Only: No Download Support: Yes
Merchant Countries: US and Many Affiliate Opportunity: No Merchant Resellers: No High Risk Content: No Directory Marketing: Yes
Notes: 15-tier rates, 3-tier fees, 1st sales tier $3,000 * Kagi lists your products on the Kagi website and handles the transactions for all types of credit cards and checks for domestic and international orders. Most vendors display their products on their own websites, and connect to Kagi to execute the sale.  Kagi sells physical and electronically distributed products.
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MembershipPlus 3rd Party Processor Offer: Membership Low CB Disc Rate: 23.00 Tiers: 2
Rate Floor: 18.00 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 0.00 Batch Fee: 0.00 Monthly Min: 0.00
Gateway Fee: 0.00 Statement Fee: 0.00 Annual Fee: 0.00 Setup Fee: 00.00 Payment Cycle: Weekly
Languages: German English Currencies: USD Cards: VIS MSC DSC JCB NOV BRV Digital Only: Yes Download Support: No
Merchant Countries: US Affiliate Opportunity: No Merchant Resellers: Yes High Risk Content: Yes Directory Marketing: No
Notes: 2-tier rates based on ticket amount below $5.00:23% $5.00+:18% for CB ratio less than 0.5% * Higher CB ratios add up to 20% more for CB ratio of 1.5% * MembershipPlus Membership payment service includes one time and recurring payments with links for logging in credentials
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Moneybookers CC Unverified 3rd Party Processor Offer: Unverified Credit Card Disc Rate: 8.00 Tiers: 1
Rate Floor: 8.00 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 0.00 Batch Fee: 0.00 Monthly Min: 0.00
Gateway Fee: 0.00 Statement Fee: 0.00 Annual Fee: 0.00 Setup Fee: 00.00 Payment Cycle: Daily
Languages: English Currencies: Many Cards: VIS MSC Visa Electron Delta Digital Only: No Download Support: No
Merchant Countries: US and Many Affiliate Opportunity: Yes Merchant Resellers: No High Risk Content: Yes Directory Marketing: Yes
Notes: 1-tier rates of only 2.0% for purchases made by buyer Moneybookers account * Higher rates of 5% for purchase through verified Visa or MasterCard and 8% for unverified cards * Purchases are final upon execution: no funds will be charged back if buyer complains although merchant account may be limited or closed if fraud is determined * View this as a pessimistic scenario since the buyer controls the payment method * Moneybgokers is UK-based
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Moneybookers CC Verified 3rd Party Processor Offer: Verified Credit Card Disc Rate: 5.00 Tiers: 1
Rate Floor: 5.00 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 0.00 Batch Fee: 0.00 Monthly Min: 0.00
Gateway Fee: 0.00 Statement Fee: 0.00 Annual Fee: 0.00 Setup Fee: 00.00 Payment Cycle: Daily
Languages: English Currencies: Many Cards: VIS MSC Visa Electron Delta Digital Only: No Download Support: No
Merchant Countries: US and Many Affiliate Opportunity: Yes Merchant Resellers: No High Risk Content: Yes Directory Marketing: Yes
Notes: 1-tier rates of only 2.0% for purchases made by buyer Moneybookers account * Higher rates of 5% for purchase through verified Visa or MasterCard and 8% for unverified cards * Purchases are final upon execution: no funds will be charged back if buyer complains although merchant account may be limited or closed if fraud is determined * View this as a realistic scenario since the buyer controls the payment method * Moneybgokers is UK-based
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Moneybookers Standard 3rd Party Processor Offer: Merchant Standard Disc Rate: 2.00 Tiers: 1
Rate Floor: 2.00 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 0.00 Batch Fee: 0.00 Monthly Min: 0.00
Gateway Fee: 0.00 Statement Fee: 0.00 Annual Fee: 0.00 Setup Fee: 00.00 Payment Cycle: Daily
Languages: English Currencies: Many Cards: VIS MSC Visa Electron Delta Digital Only: No Download Support: No
Merchant Countries: US and Many Affiliate Opportunity: Yes Merchant Resellers: No High Risk Content: Yes Directory Marketing: Yes
Notes: 1-tier rates of only 2.0% for purchases made by buyer Moneybookers account * Higher rates of 5% for purchase through verified Visa or MasterCard and 8% for unverified cards * Purchases are final upon execution: no funds will be charged back if buyer complains although merchant account may be limited or closed if fraud is determined * View this as an optimistic scenario since the buyer controls the payment method * Moneybgokers is UK-based
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NoChex 3rd Party Processor Offer: Seller Disc Rate: 2.60 Tiers: 1
Rate Floor: 2.60 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 0.20 Batch Fee: 0.00 Monthly Min: 0.00
Gateway Fee: 0.00 Statement Fee: 0.00 Annual Fee: 0.00 Setup Fee: 00.00 Payment Cycle: Daily
Languages: English Currencies: GBP Cards: VIS MSC Switch Solo Delta Maestro Digital Only: No Download Support: No
Merchant Countries: UK Affiliate Opportunity: No Merchant Resellers: No High Risk Content: No Directory Marketing: No
Notes: 1-tier rates of 2.6% plus 20p GBP (USD 0.30) transaction fee offers UK sellers one of the lowest rates available for buyers using all UK cards * NoChex has no setup or monthly charges * Chargeback policy favors seller * Use the Currency Converter to compare with other currencies
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PayLoadz 3rd Party Processor Offer: Digital Download Service Disc Rate: 4.90 Tiers: 1
Rate Floor: 4.90 Item Min Disc: 0.00 Tran Fee: 0.49 Batch Fee: 0.00 Monthly Min: 0.00
Gateway Fee: 0.00 Statement Fee: 14.95 Annual Fee: 0.00 Setup Fee: 0.00 Payment Cycle: Monthly
Languages: English Currencies: Many Cards: VIS MSC AMX DSC PayPal Digital Only: Yes Download Support: Yes
Merchant Countries: US and Many Affiliate Opportunity: Yes Merchant Resellers: Yes High Risk Content: No Dire